Friendship Community 50 Days of Prayer – Devotional Booklet
Friendship Community 50 Days of Prayer - Devotional Booklet
50th Anniversary Commemorative Prayer Booklet
Thank you, God for 50 years!
As Friendship Community celebrates our 50th Anniversary, we want to collectively and individually thank God! Out of that desire, this 50 Days of Prayer - devotional booklet was created to encourage us to take some moments to thank the Lord. We plan to offer a prayer event on the National Day of Prayer, Thursday, May 5, 2022. We invite you to use these daily prayers and scriptures in the 50 days leading up to that May 5 date, beginning with Day 1 on or before Thursday, March 17.
Thank you and thank God!
Use the links below to access an online version, or request a free paper copy. Thanks for praying with us!
Olivia Cunningham Education Fund
Almost two years ago, a special fund for trainings and in-services was created in memory of Olivia Cunningham, a former Friendship Community Team Member who recognized the importance of learning and applying new skills and information. She appreciated new-found knowledge and saw the benefits first-hand. We were able to interview a Team Member who has been the recipient of this fund; below you will find her answers on how this fund has benefitted her work experience.
[Question] Team Member name:
Louise Barton
[Question] Job Title:
[Louise] Administrative Generalist
[Question] Number of years employed at Friendship Community:
[Louise] Over 16 ½ years at Friendship Community
[Question] How did you use monies from the fund?
[Louise] To attend a seminar, entitled “The Extraordinary Administrative Professional”, and to receive the accompanying handbook.
[Question] Why did you want to attend the class?
[Louise] I was attracted to this training because it sounded like it would really apply to my position at Friendship Community. Since I work closely with Caleb Cunningham, in Facility Services, and since I was an elementary teacher for 24 ½ years, before coming to Friendship Community, I was especially honored to be the first recipient of funding from The Olivia Cunningham Education Fund!
[Question] What did you hope to learn?
[Louise] I looked forward to learning some new ideas, skills and techniques that I could apply to and enhance what I already do at Friendship Community, as I work with Team Members in various departments. It was my hope as well to share what I learned with my Administrative Services Team.
[Question] How did your attendance in this class help you in your job / role? How did your job benefit from the training you attended?
[Louise] The seminar and the manual provided me with much “food for thought” as I consider and strive to apply what I have learned to my job and to my life!
The seminar covered skills related to relationships with others in the workplace, various forms of communication, problem-solving, organization and time management (including event-planning and effective delegation), stress management, etc.
I really liked the handbook, entitled Administrative Professionals Handbook - 42 Ways to Bring Out the Best in Yourself and Others! The book is fairly easy to read, includes many real-life stories/examples and is loaded with great advice! My opinion is that it would be very helpful for any Administrative Professional, not just for Administrative Assistants/Administrative Generalists like myself. Even though it says “written for women, from a woman’s point of view,” it also says “Anyone who is responsible for coordinating, managing, or being an effective member of an office team will benefit from this serious evaluation of how you think, how you look, how you act, how you live, and how you deal with others.” The book is all about “building and strengthening your people skills, learning how to put yourself first, and get more done in less time.” It’s “a practical book, where you learn to handle your own quality control.”
Thank you, Louise, for your willingness to answer these questions for us!
Want to donate towards the Olivia Cunningham Education Fund and help Team Members like Louise? Your gift to this fund enables Team Members the opportunity to attend valuable and insightful trainings at no cost to them. You can make your donation via mail, phone or online!
Happy Monday! We hope you all have a wonderful week!